28 Aug

Recenty I had a young patient that came with ulcers in the feet. The reason he developed ulcers at such a young age was that he was shot in the back by police at age 16. He had no weapon. The bulet hit his lower back but somehow it did not severe the spinal cord. It did cause severe inflamation. Few surgeries later, pateint is able to walk but with a very distorded gait. Multiple muscles in the back started to atropy ... My heart bleeds for him and his parents. My own children are older than this kid...

 So, while treating the ulcers that are caused by abnormal walking patern, I did recommend a doctor here in town that uses stem cells for the back. I also use stem cells but I do not inject the spinal cord. I only inject the ankle, or knee or any joints in the foot. In my practice, stem cells are extremly effective in regenerating damage cartilage, decreasing infection and pain and restoring normal anatomy.  I did see the results of spinal bifida stage 3 surgery using the umbilical cord graft and is beyound spectacular- in case of those surgeries, the outcome is a normal, functioning pateint without need of any crutches or wheelchairs. But this patient  had the injury few years ago and also sustained few surgeries in the back. His first injection of stem cell is scheduled for this coming week. I will keep you posted on the outcome. 

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